Celebrate the 20th anniversary of SD Times!

February 23, 2000 — the debut issue of SD Times hit the stands and changed my world. Launched as a printed semi-monthly newspaper in tabloid size, SD Times grew into the world’s leading publication for software development managers.
Ted Bahr and I formed BZ Media in mid-1999. SD Times was the first of our many publications, conferences, and websites, all B2B for the technology industry. Today, SD Times flourishes as part of D2 Emerge, and we couldn’t be more proud to see our beloved SD Times continue to serve this important audience.
Let’s look back. David Rubinstein — who started out as executive editor of SD Times and is now co-owner of D2 Emerge and editor-in-chief of the magazine — put out a great 20th anniversary issue. (The other D is Dave Lyman.)
The special issue includes essays from me (page 18) and from Ted (page 12). Dave wrote a remembrance column (page 46) and art director Mara Leonardi shares some of her favorite SD Times covers and images (page 20).
Click here to read the anniversary issue or download it as a PDF.
Meanwhile, my favorite part of the special 20th anniversary issues are the old photos.
- There’s one of Ted and Alan, doing our silly “‘I’m the B’ and ‘I’m the Z’” schtick based on Saturday Night Live’s Hans und Franz.
- There’s one of the crazy launch crew celebrating the release of the first issue.
- There’s one of BZ Media employees standing in the water for some unknown reason.
- There’s a lot of alcohol being consumed. That’s what happens when your offices are next to a bar.
I love those people, and miss working with every single one of them. Thank you, Ted, Dave, Dave, Mara, Erzi, Eddie, Viena, Pat, Rebecca, Erin, Katie, Alex, Whitney, Adam, Stacy, Yvonne, Christina, Jon, Paula, David, Craig, Marilyn, Robin, LuAnn, Julie, Charlie, PJ, Lindsey, Agnes, Victoria, Catherine, Sabrina, Kathy, Jennifer, Jeff, Brenner, Doug, Dan, Lisa, Brian, Michele, Polina, Anne, Suzanne, Ryan, Jeanie, Josette, Debbie, Michelle, Nicole, Greg, Usman, Robert, Robbie, and so many others for making SD Times and BZ Media a success. Those were among the best years of my life.
Congrats to you and your team, Alan! We at SunWorld et al. Were unable to perform this publshing miracle
I love this entry, Alan, and I loved that I was employee #3. BZ Media was a great place to work because of the leadership. The confidence you and Ted placed in me to just “get things done”, or “just figure it out”, inspired me to find a way, and then a better way. By the time I came to work for BZ Media, I already had 10 years under my belt. But you guys actually took my career to new heights. For that, I will always be grateful. The fact that we are still in touch 15 years later brings me joy 🙂
Rebecca Pappas
Director of Many Things.