UncategorizedFarewell, John, R.I.P.You went before your time… may your memory be for a blessing.Read the obituary in the Ogden, Utah, Standard-Examiner. Z Trek Copyright (c) Alan Zeichick February 1, 2009 https://alanzeichick.com/wp-content/uploads/alan-zeichick-logo.png 0 0 Alan Zeichick https://alanzeichick.com/wp-content/uploads/alan-zeichick-logo.png Alan Zeichick2009-02-01 00:56:002009-02-01 00:56:00Farewell, John, R.I.P.
Paul N. Leroux says: February 2, 2009 at 5:30 pm Taking out a toilet with a P40. What a crappy way to get a shot at fame.
Taking out a toilet with a P40. What a crappy way to get a shot at fame.