Know the drug code

As the parent of a teenage boy, the thought of his using illegal drugs – or abusing legal ones – is a constant worry. Of course, I know that he’s a good boy, and that he understands the dangers. On the other hand, having once been a teenage boy myself, I am aware of the lure of the forbidden, and of the terrible power of peer pressure.

And so, I worry. If you have kids, I’m sure you worry too. It’s hard to walk the fine line between letting him find his own way, and making sure my son doesn’t get lost. It’s also hard to find the balance between talking about these issues too little, and talking about them too much. Though, I have to admit, I was delighted when my son quickly identified the meaning of “Kicks” from Paul Revere and the Raiders. There’s nothing like making a point using classic rock.

In order to communicate about an issue, you have to have a common vocabulary, such as in this teen drug slang story, posted today on I’m sure that the terms are already out of date. But heck, most are ones that I certainly didn’t know. Do you know them?

Z Trek Copyright (c) Alan Zeichick