The Europa World Tour at EclipseWorld 2007

I’m delighted to report that registration is now open for EclipseWorld 2007, coming in early November to Reston, Va. This is the third annual EclipseWorld, an independent conference produced by BZ Media.

This year’s conference, scheduled for Nov. 6-8, will be the biggest ever, with more than 70 full-day tutorials and technical classes. Our opening keynote will be from David Intersimone, developer evangelist (and VP of Developer Relations) for CodeGear, the tools subsidiary of Borland.

David I (pictured) is well known, and well respected, throughout the development industry for his real-world view of how programmers actually work. He’s talked to more dev teams, in more companies around the world, than anyone I’ve ever met. Nobody tells stories about “life in the trenches” like David I. His keynote is going to be a real treat.

Another huge highlight is the full-day tutorial T-7, The Europa World Tour, taught by Wayne Beaton. Wayne is a developer evangelist with the Eclipse Foundation, and in this full-day class he’ll take you on a whirlwind around the myriad projects that make up this summer’s “Europa” simultaneous release of the Eclipse platform and associated projects.

If you, or your development team, uses Eclipse or Eclipse-based technologies like the Rich Client Platform or IBM Software Development Platform, then EclipseWorld 2007 is where you want to be this November.

Z Trek Copyright (c) Alan Zeichick