
Lordy, I hope there are tapes

I received this awesome tech spam message today from LaserVault. (It’s spam because it went to my company’s info@ address).

There’s only one thought: “Lordy, I hope there are backup tapes.”

Free White Paper: Is A Tape-Related Data Disaster In Your Future?

Is a tape-related data disaster in your future? It may be if you currently use tape for your backup and recovery.

This paper discusses the many risks you take by using tape and relying on it to keep your data safe in case of a disaster.

Read how you can better protect your data from the all too common dangers that threaten your business, and learn about using D2D technology, specifically tape emulation, instead of tape for iSeries, AIX, UNIX, and Windows.

This white paper should be required reading for anyone involved in overseeing their company’s tape backup operations.

Don’t be caught short when the need to recover your data is most critical. Download the free white paper now.

Ha ha ha ha ha. I slay me.