
Use the proper Wi-Fi cable for best quality of service

A friend insists that “the Internet is down” whenever he can’t get a strong wireless connection on his smartphone. With that type of logic, enjoy this photo found on the afore-mentioned Internet:

“Wi-Fi” is apparently now synonymous with “Internet” or “network.” It’s clear that we have come a long way from the origins of the Wi-Fi Alliance, which originally defined the term as meaning “Wireless Fidelity.” The vendor-driven alliance was formed in 1999 to jointly promote the broad family of IEEE 802.11 wireless local-area networking standards, as well as to insure interoperability through certifications.

But that was so last millennium! It’s all Wi-Fi, all the time. In that vein, let me propose three new acronyms:

  • Wi-Fi-Wi – Wireless networking, i.e., 802.11
  • Wi-Fi-Cu – Any conventionally cabled network
  • Wi-Fi-Fi – Networking over fiber optics (but not Fibre Channel)
  • Wi-Fi-FC – Wireless Fibre Channel, I suppose

You get the idea….